We would like to present you with the achievements, distinctions and awards granted to MetalERG.
Award in the “EUROPRODUKT 2003″competition, awarded by the Minister of Economy and the Secretary of the Committee for European Integration.
Award in the “EXAMPLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL” ecological competition under the Honorary Patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland Aleksander Kwa?niewski. We have been awarded the titles:”RECOMMENDED TECHNOLOGY” and “ECOLOGY PROMOTOR”.
GOLD MEDAL awarded at the 20th Opole Construction Fair “MY HOME” for innovative and pro-ecological thermal solutions.
April 2002
Diploma and title “BIOMASS ACE” awarded by the Polish Chamber of Biomass for contributing to the dissemination of ecological fuels from biomass.
The SUPER-EKO 2001 Audience Award, awarded at the international POLEKO 2001 in Pozna?.
GOBLET PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF POLISH REDUCTIONS AND RATIONALISERS, presented during the 4th EKO-2001 International Competition for solutions in the field of environmental protection.
December 2001
The award won at the 1st Regional Fair of Ecological Heating “Environmentally Friendly Heat” in Pietrowice Wielki in the “Best Product”category.
April 2001
Nagroda zdobyta na II Regionalnych Targach Ekologicznego Ogrzewania “Ciepło Przyjazne Środowisku” w Pietrowicach Wielkich w kategorii “Najlepszy Produkt”.
Kwiecień 2002
Award of the Mayor of the City of Opole for “Ecological and economic boilers of EKOPAL” 2004
Diplomas awarded by the Wroclaw Council of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations NOT for “Vibrant technical achievements”.
Distinction in the competition of the Minister of the Environment “LEADER POLISH ECCOLOGY” for “Boilers fired with straw and other EKOPAL biofuels”.
December 2001
Award in the competition for the award “GREEN FENIX AD 2009″for achievements in the implementation of eco-energy solutions and technologies
Confirmation of membership in the GAZEL BUSINESS CLUB – a group of the most dynamically developing companies 2004
Confirmation of membership in the GAZEL BUSINESS CLUB – a group of the most dynamically developing companies 2005